今天给各位分享我成熟的要死 只是选择幼稚_我一直都标榜着我很成熟,但通过这段感情,我发现我真是幼稚死了,其中也会对大家所疑惑的内容进行解释,如果能解决您现在面临的问题,别忘了关注多特软件站哦,现在开始吧!

我成熟的要死 只是选择幼稚_我一直都标榜着我很成熟,但通过这段感情,我发现我真是幼稚死了


"Those who didn't end up together

The significance of my experience~"

As the saying goes, don't engage in a losing deal. The same goes for relationships, you can't just say it's over, you have to learn something from it~

Today, I will share the stories of three girls who broke up just two or three months ago. When talking about these stories, they were emotionally stable and not drinking~


Wang Da Meng, 28 years old, was in a relationship with her ex for four years. The story takes place on the balcony where she smokes, and the song "Walking in the Cold Wind" is playing in the background.

"Nothing is taken for granted. Essentially, everyone seeks benefits and avoids harm, it's an equal exchange."

There's actually not much to say between me and my ex, there were no fights or infidelity, we just... lost the spark~

Let me think. In the past, he used to treat me quite well, well... it was really good~

I remember back then we were just graduating from graduate school, looking for jobs, renting a place, busy with graduation matters... we were really stressed, and then we were in Beijing without any relatives. Honestly, back then, oh, it was so difficult to think about~

That day, we spent the whole day looking for an apartment. We couldn't afford the good ones, and the cheap ones weren't appealing. In the end, we ended up sitting under a bridge, yes, the one on the Third Ring Road. We were tired and hungry, it was already dark, and we were sitting there sobbing with our heads in our hands. We really sobbed, and only went back to school together after crying. But as long as he was there, I felt okay, it didn't seem like such a tough time~

Oh, I always remember that incident...

Later on, we had our own little house, I washed the clothes and he cooked. Now, I keep every meal he made for me in my phone~

Our days off didn't align at that time, but whenever I had a day off, he would take leave and we would go out together. Those were the days when we had the least time, but we spent the most time together~

Later on, I changed jobs and our days off aligned, but we didn't go out together as much...

Later on, we had more disagreements and more fights, he stopped cooking for me as much, and I stopped doing his laundry as much, haha~


Wang Da Meng's final evaluation of this relationship was: "You see, how should we define whether we like someone or not? When there's nothing left to give or obtain from each other, it's over. I think it's an equal exchange~"


Qiao Qiao, 23 years old, broke up with her ex just one month shy of one year together. The story takes place in the kitchen, where she was so agitated that she was waving a knife and holding a shovel, making it impossible for anyone to approach~

"Really, never lose yourself. I was too obedient and submissive before!"

Oh? Do you think I was brainless back then? You don't even know how my relationship was like...

Let me give you a few examples~ I guarantee it will make you furious.

When we ate, I would order what he liked, even though I didn't really like it. Then he blamed me and said having dinner with me wasn't enjoyable, and told me not to order it next time, I shouldn't talk, I know it's my fault~

When we watched movies, we almost only watched superhero movies or Marvel movies. To this day, I only know the full names of two foreign actors, Keira Knightley and Benedict Cumberbatch, because those are his favorite male and female celebrities~

Actually, I really love watching arthouse films, but we never went to see them together. Of course, there weren't many arthouse films to begin with, but there were still some good ones, like "Wolf Totem," it was a source of pain for me~

And when it came to clothes, if he didn't like what I wore, he wouldn't let me wear it. It made me unhappy, but I still catered to him. One time, I felt he went too far and we got into a fight. I didn't expect him to say, "If you wear that, I won't go out with you." And he really left by himself~

Later on, I didn't blame him, it seemed like I was always the one to make up first~ It was just a habit, always catering to him. During that year, I cut off all of my few friends and I stuck to him like a shadow...

Now that I think about it, I really didn't understand anything back then. I had just graduated and he pursued me, I thought it was quite nice, so we got together. I didn't have much life experience!

When I explain it like this, I feel like he didn't actually like me that much. Of course, maybe the problem was with me, my judgment of love was lacking, and I lost myself as soon as I got into a relationship. Others will also get tired of that~

And also, don't think that just because he loves you, you can neglect yourself, have thick legs, be lazy, not wash your hair, or even rely on him without seeking self-improvement. When the relationship runs its course, you will be the one hurt~


Ci Ci, 26 years old, broke up with her ex three years later (he cheated). The story takes place at a badminton court, and from Ci Ci's elegant and powerful swinging posture, I couldn't have imagined that she used to be so indecisive~

I don't have much to reminisce about, just four words, that I will remember even after I'm in the grave - learn to let go.

I just don't understand, even though I am a Scorpio who enjoys seeking revenge and can be ruthless, I ended up... Actually, I don't care about him cheating anymore, I care more about the series of self-deprecating actions I took after he cheated~

I think I have a skill, I'm especially good at self-deception. After the breakup, I thought, actually, half a year before that, we were already having issues, lots of problems. We never used to curse each other, but one time we did, it was even outside the apartment complex, he was so angry he wanted to hit me, but ultimately, he didn't~

In reality, many times we had thoughts of breaking up, I had them too, and even secretly looked online for an apartment to move out. You see, once you have the thought of splitting up, you should do it quickly, don't drag it along, because in the end, you'll still break up. And the result will make you even more miserable~

Actually, being strong is not always a good thing, especially in matters of love. When he told me he cheated, I was truly heartbroken, I didn't hit, curse, or cause a scene, I just cried~

And I realized I couldn't live without him, I wanted to forgive him, but he didn't appreciate it, so I actively tried to win him back. Hey, how did it go from him cheating to me trying to win him back? It's because I couldn't accept it, but at the time, I didn't admit I couldn't accept it~

I just thought my love was greater than anything, he was unique to me~

And you know what, in the end, I even thought it was my fault, that I wasn't considerate enough, not attentive enough, not loving enough, so he found someone else... whose words can't be taken in~

During that period of time, I truly felt like a ghost, don't hide it, even now, I'm still searching for my confidence~

I always prided myself on being mature, but through this relationship, I realized I was really childish, another sign of maturity is learning to let go~

Finally, I want to recommend a movie to you called "Mountains May Depart" (if you don't like art films, you can bypass it), the English title is better: "Mountains May Depart"~

Perhaps then you can understand the significance of those who didn't end up together, no one can be your whole world.

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以上内容就是小编为大家整理的我成熟的要死 只是选择幼稚_我一直都标榜着我很成熟,但通过这段感情,我发现我真是幼稚死了全部信息,如果大家还想了解更多后续或相关内容,请关注多特软件站,持续更新给大家带来最新消息!
